Minnesota’s governor expands pharmacy scope of practice and payment for service

NCPA July 16, 2024

After long negotiations and processes, the Minnesota pharmacy community can celebrate the enactment of several priorities related to vaccinations, HIV care and payment for pharmacy services. Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) signed into law a large omnibus bill (HF5247) which includes language from several bills: HF 1197 allows pharmacists to deliver COVID-19 and flu vaccinations to patients three (3) and older; HF2466 allows pharmacists to prescribe and administer HIV PEP/PREP after completing an accredited training program; and HF 2503 mandates coverage from health plans for pharmacist-provided services within their scope of practice if the health plan covers the same service when provided by a physician. We applaud the Minnesota Pharmacists Association and the Minnesota Pharmacy Alliance for their great accomplishment!