Want to start a Diabetes Prevention Program at your pharmacy?

1 in 3 American adults has prediabetes. It only takes 1 pharmacist to make a difference. If nothing is done, prediabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. But with lifestyle change, prediabetes can be stopped or slowed.

National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP)
Lifestyle change programs offered through the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) are designed to help participants make lasting behavior changes such as eating healthier, increasing physical activity, and improving skills to cope with stress.
While community pharmacies are in an ideal position to deliver and expand the National DPP, there are several costs associated with participation and ultimately obtaining recognition. Without even considering applying to become a Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program supplier to earn the ability to bill Medicare for classes, these costs include: lifestyle coach training, data collection, and patient recruitment/retention.
NCPA, in collaboration with the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) and OmniSYS, launched a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — funded initiative addressing the financial burdens associated with pharmacies obtaining recognition and get more pharmacies offering National DPP to their patients. Starting in 2020, NCPA recruited over 40 pharmacies to participate in the initiative.
Those pharmacies received the following support:
NCPA provided financial incentives and support to the pharmacies to stay on track to receiving preliminary recognition.
ADCES provided the prerequisite lifestyle coach training approved by the CDC to select pharmacy staff who delivered National DPP to their patients.
OmniSYS made their platform available to participating pharmacies. The platform facilitates intervention, documentation, and education for submission to CDC to obtain preliminary recognition status. All documentation adhered strictly to the parameters set forth by the HIPAA Privacy Compliance Agreement for Business Associates.
Participant Interview
Interview with Madeline Moses, PharmD, Director of Clinical Services and Alternative Revenue, Mathes Pharmacy regarding her experience with the National DPP program at her pharmacy.
Why did you decide to start a National DPP program at your pharmacy?
We had been interested in expanding the services of our diabetes center, specifically in the areas of prevention as we continue to work toward providing Wellness services to our community, not just "sick care". The benefits and outcomes of the NDPP speak for themselves, literally changing the trajectory of peoples' wellness journey. However, the start up costs seemed excessive until we were chosen to receive assistance from NCPA with the process.
CE Webinar
Want to learn more about the National Diabetes Prevention Program and earn CE credit?
Watch a CE webinar about National DPP on-demand. Hear Angela Forfia, of the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, discuss community pharmacy’s pivotal role in patient prediabetes education and setting up a sustainable and billable enhanced service. Madeline Moses, a fellow pharmacist who has successfully implemented the National DPP, joins Angela as she talks about the remarkable impacts she has seen in her patients as a result of the program.
Resources (Marketing & CDC)
Marketing, Recruiting and Retention
Employer materials (check out the workplace poster and factsheet)
Health care provider page with materials to hand to patients
Minnesota guide to the DPP that highlights recruiting, engaging, and retaining
CDC Resources
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Medical Billing Playbook for Pharmacies
The National Diabetes Prevention Program Medical Billing Playbook for Pharmacies
Coach Resources: Enroll and Retain People in the Lifestyle Change Program Webinar
Health Care Provider (HCP) Implementation Guide and associated materials
A Guide to Virtual Class Delivery for National DPP Lifestyle Change Program
CDC Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program Standards and Operating Procedures
Resources (Insurance & General)
Insurance Coverage
A Culturally and Linguistically Tailored Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Resources Inventory
ADCES National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Lifestyle Coach Trainings
For more information contact John Beckner at [email protected].