Delaware’s state legislature passes bills expanding HIV care in pharmacies and payment for service

NCPA July 16, 2024

The Delaware General Assembly passed both Senate Bills 194 and 272 now awaiting the governor’s signature. SB 194 authorizes pharmacists to initiate and administer HIV PrEP/PEP via statewide protocol approved by the state’s Division of Public Health after completing a NCPA submitted testimony in favor of the bill earlier this year. SB 272 would require all insurers and health plans within the state to reimburse pharmacists within their scope of practice at no lesser rate than nonphysician practitioners. If both bills are signed into law, Delaware becomes at least the 15th state to authorize pharmacists prescribing and administering of HIV drugs; and the 11th state where pharmacists are reimbursed under a broad scope of patient care services under both commercial and public insurers.