Support our advocacy – invest in our defense fund!

NCPA September 17, 2024

LDFNCPA's Legislative/Legal Defense Fund supports our entire advocacy operation, from research to lobbyists and attorneys to communications that amplify our messages. The better funded it is, the more resources and influence we can put toward getting our priority legislation passed and defending your practice in key litigation.

The spotlight on how PBMs send prescription drug costs soaring has never been brighter in both the media and Congress. It’s never been a better time for us to advance our priority legislation. But it will take money—and your one-time LDF investment of $1,000 could make a huge difference for pharmacy tomorrow. Not that flush? Consider a monthly investment of $100 through the end of the calendar year, or whatever amount you choose.

Help fuel NCPA's success on key legislation and regulations that will directly benefit you and your pharmacy. Remember, NCPA's LDF can accept both personal and corporate investments. Learn more.