Update on the fight for fair pharmacy reimbursement in Washington

NCPA July 1, 2024

NCPA was recently told by the Washington State Health Care Authority that it has selected a winning bidder in response to the recent Request for Proposals for its cost to dispense study. HCA hopes the study can be completed by or about March 1, 2025. As a reminder of how we got here, the Washington State Pharmacy Association, NCPA, and the National Association of Chain Drug Stores announced in September that we had negotiated an unprecedented settlement with the state of Washington in our joint six-year lawsuit challenging its failure to move to cost-based dispensing fees. In exchange for the pharmacy groups dismissing the lawsuit, the state among other things agreed to conduct a cost of dispensing study to move to cost-based dispensing fees, subject to necessary state and CMS approval. Stay tuned to qAM for more on this as we have it.