Kicking off Mental Health Awareness Month with pharmacogenomics awareness

NCPA April 30, 2024

Did you know that upwards of 75 percent of people suffering from chronic depression do not find relief from their first antidepressant? That’s why implementing pharmacogenomics (PGx) services in your community pharmacy might be a good move to help your patients find the right medication and right dose and boost your pharmacy’s revenue at the same time. And don't forget, this June 6 pharmacogenomics webinar will cover it all. Register today to unlock what our genes tell us so you can help your patients save time (and money) in their course of treatment. Enroll by June 5 and receive an exclusive invitation to a live session with our esteemed course instructor, Marianna Wilbur, PharmD, MHA. This bonus session is your chance to delve deeper into the world of pharmacogenomics and ask any burning questions you may have.