“I’ve got to do more of this!”

NCPA June 21, 2024

NCPA’s Congressional Pharmacy Fly-In was at capacity in April, hosting hundreds of pharmacists and owners from across the country for talks with members of Congress and their staff about the urgent need for PBM reform. The event, which was first held in 1969, attracted 123 first-time attendees this year, including Sheldon Birch, PharmD, from Birch Family Pharmacy in Tooele, Utah. The June issue of America’s Pharmacist® magazine recaps the whole thing, but in essence, we’d echo Birch when describing the importance of the fly-in and getting involved in advocacy. He said: “Success in this area is going to be determined by relationships. I noticed other people there lobbying for their own interests who clearly had been there more frequently and had developed relationships. I need to be more involved and ready to come to D.C. more than once per year. When the new Congress is installed next year, I plan to be in their offices early and often.” Yes!! To make sure you’ll be available and can grab a spot next year, go ahead and block off the dates for our 2025 Congressional Pharmacy Fly-In: April 30-May 1.