Let’s #FinishTheFight for PBM reform

NCPA June 17, 2024

finish the fight adUnless you’re very squeamish, you won’t want to miss this PBM Leeches video ad. It’s NCPA’s new TV spot running in the Washington, D.C., market as part of our “Finish the Fight” campaign that kicked off last week, aiming to push Congress to finalize PBM reform as soon as possible this year. (Pictured on the left is a corresponding digital ad.) While launching the campaign on Thursday, we also released the results of a new poll revealing widespread public concern over prescription drug costs and PBMs. Among our findings? Nearly 75 percent are concerned about PBMs’ impact on drug pricing, and 60 percent said they’d be more likely to vote for a someone who supports legislation aimed at addressing PBM abuses. With elections right around the corner, this is valuable information to have when talking with policymakers – or would-be policymakers! – about their legislative priorities.

With this campaign, we’re empowering people just like our survey respondents to join us in pressing for PBM reform. We’ve compiled video, digital, and printable assets that we’ll be serving to pharmacy patients over the next few months, asking them to send letters and make phone calls to their federal representatives to tell them that PBM reform is as important to them as it is to you. You can spread the word, too, by downloading and using these assets in your own pharmacies and social media channels. Stay tuned to qAM and our social media feeds as we continue rolling out the campaign.