Upcoming NCPA Items for Pharmacy Teams 

NCPA October 31, 2023

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Oct. 31, 2023) – The National Community Pharmacists Association is pleased to announce these upcoming events for pharmacists and pharmacy team members:

  • Registration is open for the Pathways to Pharmacy Ownership cohort kicking off in early 2024. This year-long program, launched by NCPA and the Minority Pharmacist Entrepreneur Conference in 2022, supports and encourages independent pharmacy ownership among historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. The application deadline is Nov. 30, 2023. Learn more and apply.
  • Nov. 7 – Implementing Pharmacogenomics bonus session. Those who sign up by Nov. 6 for NCPA’s Implementing Pharmacogenomics on-demand course with Avant Pharmacy and Wellness will also be able to join this extra live, two-hour online session. Learn more and register.
  • Nov. 9 – Pulse-On Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Access: Challenges and Opportunities for Pharmacy webinar. NCPA is collaborating with the American Pharmacists Association, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, and the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations on a webinar to help address gaps in opioid use disorder treatment. Experts from the Drug Enforcement Administration, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, and NABP will address challenges and barriers faced by pharmacists, including issues related to stigma, collaboration with practitioners, and suspicious order monitoring programs. Learn more and register.
  • Nov. 14 – Everything You Need to Know About Launching an LTC-at-Home Program, online. To grow a niche providing services to LTC-at-home patients, pharmacy teams must prioritize building and nurturing relationships. Lindsay Dymowski has found success with speaking to prescribers’ pain points and attracting new patients, and she’ll be sharing her tips. Learn more and register.
  • Nov. 16 – Mental Health First Aid Training, online. Pharmacy team members are more likely to encounter a mental health episode than a situation requiring basic life support or CPR. This live, online training course will help attendees identify, understand, and respond to people in need of this assistance. Registration closes on Nov. 14. Learn more and register.
  • Nov. 16 – How to Improve Cash Flow NOW with Your Sync Program, part of our Rapid Relief Revenue Learning Hour initiative. When preparing for the approaching DIR hangover, pharmacy teams should bear in mind that some of the cash flow they need is likely sitting on their shelves. Enrolling patients on high-dollar drugs in a medication synchronization program can help put those dollars back into the bank account. Learn more and register.


Founded in 1898, the National Community Pharmacists Association is the voice for the community pharmacist, representing over 19,400 pharmacies that employ more than 230,000 individuals nationwide. Community pharmacies are rooted in the communities where they are located and are among America’s most accessible health care providers. To learn more, visit www.ncpa.org.