Media Tools

Letters to the editor and news releases are effective ways to educate your community on various issues. As a local small business owner, health care provider, and community leader, your voice carries great weight. NCPA has several sample letters to the editor and news releases that you can personalize and submit to your local news outlets. DO NOT SUBMIT THE SAMPLE WITHOUT PERSONALIZING FIRST.

How to Submit a Letter to the Editor

  • Obtain the guidelines for your local newspaper. For most publications, these guidelines including word limit and how to submit can be found on the newspapers website. If the newspaper does not have a website, the guidelines can be obtained by calling the newspaper or often times they are included on the opinion page of the print edition.
  • Determine the topic you wish to write about. NCPA keeps a library of sample LTEs that you can select by topic.
  • If using an NCPA sample letter, do not submit the letter "as is." The sample needs to be personalized to reflect you and your pharmacy. Once you have a final draft, submit to the newspaper per their instructions.
  • After a day, follow up with the editor and ask if they have received the piece and if they can give you an indication on whether they plan to print it.

Sample Letters

For a sample letter to the editor, contact Michael Rule at [email protected].

How to Submit a News Release

News releases allow you to reach more media outlets with your message. Unlike a letter to the editor that is submitted strictly for print, a news release can be distributed to television and radio news outlets as well.

  • Identify your local media outlets, including print, radio stations and local TV news. You can find contact information for the editor for print publications or the news director for television and radio stations. NCPA can also help you find this information.

  • If using an NCPA sample news release, do not submit the release "as is." The sample needs to be personalized to reflect you and your pharmacy.

  • Once you have personalized the draft, email it to the list of editors and news directors you have compiled.

Electronic Marketing
For more information on how to reach independent pharmacy owners, please visit our electronic marketing page.