Pharmacy Inside-Out

Friday, Oct. 13 (all day)
This brand new one-day event, co-taught in a unique format for synergistic learning by six influential community pharmacists, will help you revamp your pharmacy’s focus from the inside out! Learn to perform basic operations at optimum efficiency, start and market new services inside your pharmacy, and collaborate on new profitable revenue streams outside your pharmacy. Come and discover the recipes for the secret sauce of a successful business.
Session 1: Keeping the Money You Earn – Protecting from the inside out
Joe Williams and Benjamin Jolley
Understand inventory management and equip your team with best practices in purchasing so that you can focus on bottom-line considerations.
Gain a better understanding of your operations to keep the money you’ve already earned.
Session 2: Generating New Business – Informing what’s going on, from the inside out
Nicolette Mathey and Jen Palazzolo
Understand entry-level functional medicine opportunities that any pharmacy can implement in a cash model.
Know how to market your services.
Session 3: Collaboration Dynamics – Teamwork from the inside out
Amina Abubakar and Travis Wolff
Discover low-hanging fruit revenue streams and ways to collaborate with physicians from inside your pharmacy, using your people to synergize with a practice outside.
Learn how to start, grow, and maintain successful collaborative relationships with physicians.
Sesson 4: Q&A – An interactive session with all six peer experts