90 days in: A review of the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan

NCPA March 24, 2025

We've had a few months of experience with the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan now, and the program has proven to be full of both promise and challenges. Register for this complimentary webinar to be part of an enlightening conversation between health care and pharmacy industry experts led by NCPDP's Board of Trustees Chair Christian Tadrus, RPh, PharmD, FASCP, NSC, to find out how the program works and how organizations are using the program to streamline payment plan workflows for better business and patient outcomes.

The Inflation Reduction Act required all Medicare prescription drug plans (Medicare Part D plans)—including both standalone Medicare prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug coverage—to offer enrollees the option to pay out-of-pocket prescription drug costs in the form of capped monthly payments instead of all at once at the pharmacy.

Non-members of NCPDP can register for the webinar here. NCPDP members can register here.