Let's Rock ‘n Roll! Well, sort of. Pink Floyd, the moody, philosophizing, psychedelic band from England, released Dark Side of the Moon in the United States 52 years ago today. It spent 741 weeks on the Billboard chart, finally dropping off 15 years later in 1988. The tracks are mostly brooding and dark, featuring themes like greed, death, time and mental illness. What a buzzkill. But it's hailed as a masterpiece for its daring experimentation, and it went platinum many times over, so somebody likes it.
Anyway, check out one of the more cheerful songs, Money, an ironic sermon on the evils of greed and materialism that made its writer, Roger Waters, until then a socialist, extravagantly rich. "I'm still keen on a general welfare society, but I became a capitalist. You have to accept it. I remember coveting a Bentley like crazy," he said in a 1993 interview. Hahahaha. He cleared that moral hurdle with room to spare. Enjoy your day.