It will take both pharmacists and patients to get Congress to pass PBM reform legislation. NCPA has relaunched our grassroots messaging for pharmacists, and we need you to take a few moments and tell Congress to finish the job that they failed to complete in December.
We also need you to once again engage your patients. Last year, through our Finish the Fight campaign, we facilitated more than 75,000 patient letters to Capitol Hill, touching all 100 Senate offices and over 430 House of Representatives offices. Our collective efforts pushed PBM reform right to the goal line. We need to double down and get these reforms enacted!
Help us keep up the pressure on Congress to get PBM reform passed. Get 10 to win by recruiting at least 10 patients to voice support for PBM reform through our web portal. It's simple, just follow these steps:
1) Visit
2) Scroll to campaign resources
3) Select a poster to print and display in your pharmacy
4) Ask your patients to scan the QR code and enter their name and address
5) Have them click the submit letters link to complete their action
If every pharmacy recruits 10 patients, we will inundate Congress with hundreds of thousands of patient messages. Email Michael Rule at [email protected] with any questions.