Learn about pharmacy claims, the eCare Plan, and e-prescribing

NCPA November 27, 2024

NCPA is opening a special interest group for NCPA members who are or want to become familiar with the standards development process at the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs. Independent pharmacies use NCPDP standards daily to submit claims (Telecommunication Standard), accept e-prescriptions (SCRIPT Standard), and create interoperable care plans (Pharmacist eCare Plan implementation guide).

This special interest group will have a monthly virtual meeting and is a great way to decide if you want to be active in task group work or just keep tabs on topics important to pharmacy owners. For example, new guidance on real-time service claims and the recently announced pilot for a product locator transaction that would allow a prescriber agent to send an e-prescription and confirm if the patient is able to get the prescribed medication in advance.

There is no fee for NCPA members (owner/manager, technician, and student members are all welcome) to sign up for this special interest group run by NCPA staff.

Contact [email protected] to receive meeting information. The first meeting is Dec. 12 at 1:30 p.m. ET.