Help us improve pharmacies’ clinical interoperability

NCPA September 5, 2024

NCPA members are invited to register their interest in the Sequoia Project Pharmacy Workgroup and participate in one of three Interoperability Matters Pharmacy Workgroup listening sessions in October. This workgroup will launch in January 2025 and seeks to foster and broaden clinical interoperability for pharmacies across the health care ecosystem, identify practical solutions to shared challenges for pharmacy clinical data exchange, close gaps in pharmacy interoperability readiness and adoption, co-create priorities and requirements for data usability in the pharmacy context, and share learnings and best practices.

Independent pharmacy voices are needed to help the workgroup understand the current state of pharmacy interoperability, so membership is not required to join a listening session. The Sequoia Project is recognized by the Department of Health and Human Services as the coordinating entity for health information networks connecting across the country. Questions? Contact [email protected].