Compounders, your help is needed

NCPA November 18, 2022

The start of cold and flu season has led to a spike in respiratory illness and also a shortage of amoxicillin oral suspension. Hospitals and some pharmacies would like to be able to compound amoxicillin suspension from commercially available amoxicillin tablets or capsules. But FDA's Insanitary Conditions Guidance requires compounders to completely and comprehensively separate beta-lactams from non-beta lactam products, which many pharmacies, including those in hospitals, cannot accommodate.The Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding has reached out to FDA about this concern and to ask the agency to consider temporary enforcement discretion that might allow 503A pharmacies, including hospitals, to meet this current shortage need. APC is requesting that NCPA members who practice compounding fill out this brief survey. Please complete it ASAP so that APC can share the result with FDA — and perhaps provide a solution that can save lives. The survey will be open through Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 8 p.m. ET.