Student Leadership Council


The NCPA Student Leadership Council exists to represent student pharmacist members of the association. The SLC promotes the profession of pharmacy and the role of independent community pharmacists, and they work to ensure effective communication between NCPA Student Chapters and the NCPA Department of Student Affairs. The SLC also supports the development of future leaders in community pharmacy by recognizing and encouraging student pharmacists who have a strong interest in entrepreneurship and independent pharmacy.

Position Information

The SLC is comprised of 16 student members who each serve a two-year term. SLC members serving in the first year of their term are Junior Members, and those serving in the second year of their term are Senior Members. Eight new SLC members are appointed each year, and only one student may be appointed from the same school or college of pharmacy per year. All SLC members must have held an office on the chapter level and must be current NCPA members.


Completed SLC applications must be submitted by December 31, and applicants are notified of their appointment status by Feb 1. Junior SLC members will begin their term Feb 1 and are expected to attend the virtual NCPA Leadership Retreat, date TBD. Click here to apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I become part of National Student Leadership?

    All applicants should hold or previously have held an NCPA officer position and attend either the NCPA Congressional Pharmacy Fly-In or the NCPA Annual Convention. Applications must be submitted by December 31 and applicants are notified of their appointment status by Feb 1. You can submit your application here. Applications must include:

    • 1-page letter of intent describing your interest in SLC, career goals and interest in community pharmacy

    • Resume or CV

    • 1-page letter of recommendation for a pharmacy school faculty member or dean

    • 1-page letter of recommendation from a pharmacy owner (preferable an NCPA member)

    • Pharmacy school transcript (official or unofficial is accepted) (minimum GPA requirement of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale)

  • Beside the standard requirements, what qualities do you look for in an applicant?

    The selection committee looks for individuals who are innovative, driven, excited about the industry of community pharmacy, and looking for ways to engage in practice change. Leadership is another important aspect of all SLC members, and applicants must have held an office on the chapter level and be current NCPA member.

  • What's the time commitment as an SLC Representative?
    • The Student Leadership Council is a two-year commitment starting June 1. Year one you will serve as a Junior Member and year two as a Senior Member. It is expected for each representative to attend monthly meetings, SLC Townhalls, NCPA’s Annual Convention and the SLC Leadership Retreat. Senior Representatives will also attend NCPA’s Steering Committee Meeting.

    • Each SLC member is encouraged to visit at least two schools or colleges of pharmacy per academic year to provide support to the chapter members, promote independent pharmacy to the school campus, promote NCPA student programming, encourage convention attendance by student members, and to discuss other items as requested by the School or College of Pharmacy.

    • Get in touch with your SLC Region Representative to ask any questions about their role.

  • What National Student Leadership Positions are available?

    Eight new SLC members are appointed each year, and only one student may be appointed from the same school or college of pharmacy.

  • For the recommendation letter, is it a requirement to have a letter written from a pharmacy owner? Can it be from a director or manager?

    While it is required to have a letter of recommendation from a community pharmacy owner, we understand you may have a stronger relationship with a director or manager. Please contact Student Affairs at [email protected] to discuss your specific circumstance.

  • Does an SLC position make you a better candidate for a residency?

    The Student Leadership Council will not only allow you to make lasting connections in the industry, it will also provide deeper exposure to community pharmacy. Both of these aspects can shape you to become a more competitive pharmacy resident candidate.

  • What are the travel commitments for Student Leadership Council?

    There is an initial in-person retreat held at NCPA’s headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. SLC additionally attends the Annual Meeting held during the month of October. Each SLC member will receive travel and lodging and reimbursement for expenses when representing NCPA, up to a predetermined amount as determined at the beginning of the budgeting year. 

  • How often does SLC engage as a group?

    The Student Leadership Council interacts at a minimum on a monthly basis to discuss initiatives for NCPA’s Student Affairs.

  • What committees do SLC members get to engage in as a student?

    There are 6 committees, and each senior member will be assigned to a committee for the duration of their 2nd year. Representatives can participate on the following committees: Emerging Models, Long-term Care, Compounding, Technology, National Legislation and State Legislation. Learn more about NCPA’s Steering Committees here.