Why did you decide to start a National DPP program at your pharmacy?

We had been interested in expanding the services of our diabetes center, specifically in the areas of prevention as we continue to work toward providing Wellness services to our community, not just "sick care". The benefits and outcomes of the NDPP speak for themselves, literally changing the trajectory of peoples' wellness journey. However, the start up costs seemed excessive until we were chosen to receive assistance from NCPA with the process.

What sort of support did NCPA offer you as a part of their CDC funded project? (Examples listed)

NCPA provided a network of people with similar goals to troubleshoot any issues with, they provided access to ADCES and Strand professionals to guide us, they provided a realistic timeline for success as well as flexible standards given COVID restrictions

How did the pandemic impact your National DPP program?

The pandemic impacted many aspects of our program from the beginning. It delayed the effectiveness of our recruitment and outreach, which pushed us back starting by a month. It also required us to start offering a virtual option ($$) for attendance to not loose people to quarantines. It limited our creativity with snacks and incentives due to touch precautions.

On the other hand, it taught us adaptability, gave participants more time to focus on their health goals as there was less travel and social distractions, encouraged creativity for activities and meal plans due to shut downs, and provided a source of community support in a time of crisis.

Describe the response in your community? What was your key to success?

Our participants have done very well in our program, with well over half of them at their goal weight by 6 months. They specifically have enjoyed the opportunity for in person meetings, the group accountability and support, and the relatability of the lessons. One of our keys to success was setting a standard of 100% attendance for the first 6 months. If participants missed a session, they would always be asked to do a make-up session. This encouraged attendance of the regular sessions as well as ensured they were staying current on the content. This allowed them to move through the classes as a unit, strengthening their relationship with each other and improving their dedication to completion of the program.

What would you say to someone interested in participating in NCPA's CDC funded project?

It will never be easier to onboard this program. This project provided accountability and support, as well as relieved some of the startup costs, for establishing this service in our community. If it wasn't for this program, we would most likely still be in the "we are thinking about it" stage. As it stands, we have just completed our 6-month outcomes and are well on our way to full accreditation.

What are the advantages to participating for your pharmacy, your patients?

In addition to the things mentioned above, it has given us a sense of how our program compares to others across the country and has ensured we are offering the highest quality service. For our participants, it allowed us to offer the first cohort free of charge, which brought in some participants that might have otherwise not participated.

Why should someone consider applying?

You will receive the guidance and support needed to take on the challenge of creating this service. As pharmacists, we are in a great place to help patients take control of their health and invest in their future. If your pharmacy is interested in providing wellness services, this program will help you be successful.