Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions email Travis at [email protected].

  • What does Diabetes Accreditation Boot Camp consist of?

    During the Diabetes Accreditation Boot Camp, Travis provides training to help pharmacy teams set up and incorporate diabetes self-management education into pharmacy workflow. The Boot Camp meets once weekly for 6 weeks and class recordings are available if unable to attend. Travis is available for on-demand consultations throughout this time as well. You’ll gain assistance with developing an operations manual, including turn-key documents provided by PharmFurther, as well as an additional focus on supporting documentation for the accreditation application. Last but not least, Travis shows you the exact steps to break it into sections for submission, equipping you to independently maintain your accreditation over the years!

  • If I have multiple team members interested in participating in our DSME service, do they each need to register for the Boot Camp?

    Since DSME accreditation is for the pharmacy, and not the pharmacists, a pharmacy can pay for the Boot Camp once and this will allow multiple team members to have access to the classes and any resources provided. The Boot Camp will walk your team through the accreditation application process from start to finish.

    We definitely recommend having additional team members get involved as this can help make the service even more sustainable!

  • What is Diabetes Self-Management Education?

    Diabetes Self-Management Education allows you to spend quality time empowering your patients to self-manage their condition to achieve successful outcomes. Diabetes Self-management behaviors include: healthy eating, physical activity, blood sugar monitoring, problem solving, medication taking, coping, and reducing risks for complications.

    DSME has been found to improve A1c, reduce hospital admissions, and have a positive effect on other clinical, psychosocial, and behavioral aspects of diabetes. By offering DSME, you can expand your clinical footprint in your community by help your patients with diabetes gain knowledge and skills to better self-manage this complex disease.

    DSME is also known as DSMES, Diabetes Self-Management Education Services, or DSMT, Diabetes Self-Management Education Training. CMS uses the term DSMT so this term relates specifically to Medicare billing.

  • Why should I become an accredited DSME provider?

    The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has authorized the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists and the American Diabetes Association to grant accreditation or recognition to organizations looking to provide DSME Services. The process for earning accreditation includes a formal application process, submission of supporting documentation, and application fees.

    Being accredited or recognized allows DSME providers to:

    • Bill for DSME/DSMT* through Medicare, some state Medicaid agencies, and many private insurers

    • Provide improved care and health status reporting

    • Align with quality improvement and population health goals

    • Gain access to ADCES or ADA resources and support

    *Note: CMS uses the term “training” (DSMT) instead of “education” (DSME) when defining the reimbursable benefit (DSMT). This term relates specifically to Medicare billing.

  • Who can perform DSME Services?

    At least one team member facilitating DSME will be a registered nurse, registered dietitian/nutritionist, or pharmacist with training and experience pertinent to DSME, or another healthcare professional certified as a diabetes educator or in advanced diabetes management. Please note that only one of these specialists are required, and a licensed pharmacist is one of those specialists!

    Other workers or diabetes paraprofessionals may contribute to DSMES services with appropriate training in DSMES and with supervision and support by at least one of the team members listed above.

  • What does it take to get accredited?

    There are six standards to meet in order to become a recognized DSME provider. Most community pharmacies already meet many of these standards but need assistance putting together supporting documents to apply for accreditation. Diabetes Accreditation Boot Camp offers hands-on experience and expert advice on the accreditation application process, program set-up, successful operations, patient outreach, billing and more. After attending the Boot Camp, you will possess all of the tools and information needed to pursue accreditation for your pharmacy.

Click here to visit the CDC DSME webpage for more information on accreditation.