Preview of Simplify My Meds®

Launch Your Own Medication Synchronization Program

Simplify My Meds® is a turnkey adherence program developed for the exclusive use of NCPA members. The free program provides pharmacies with tools and training to implement a medication synchronization program.

Improve Your Patients’ Adherence, Streamline Your Operations
Simplify My Meds® helps pharmacists consolidate and coordinate a patient's prescriptions so they can all be refilled on the same day each month, improving patient adherence and revolutionizing pharmacy operations.

Some pharmacies have seen as much as a 30% increase in prescriptions and revenue from their synchronized patients, and patients love the convenience and personalized service this program provides.

Exclusive NCPA Member Benefit
NCPA members who sign up for Simplify My Meds® receive a detailed operations manual, training materials, and a FREE starter kit of marketing materials.

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