PBMs warn of low compliance for Part D claims with certain MPPP BIN/PCNs

NCPA February 20, 2025

PBMs processing Medicare Part D claims have reached out to NCPA reporting low compliance for claims to the BIN/PCN that start with "MPPP…" when a patient is participating in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan. If your pharmacy receives paid claim responses from Medicare Part D plans with Approved Message Code 057 Beneficiary participating in Prescription Payment Plan, you absolutely need to send a subsequent claim for the copay amount due to the Part D plan's MPPP processor.

Patients may need additional information about the new program. Once they participate, all copays must be submitted to the MPPP processor. Patients who no longer wish to participate should contact their plan. Contact your pharmacy management system right away if you don't know how to check for Approved Message Code 057, or where to look to find the MPPP processing information in the COB/Other Payer segment. For more information on the MPPP, including a continuing education program for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, go to https://ncpa.org/medicare.

NCPA has also heard from members that Part D plan member hotlines are providing confusing information about MPPP and are also using the encounter to steer patients into mail order from an affiliated mail-order pharmacy. Click here for tips on making formal complaints to Medicare.