NCPA engaged lawmakers and urged PBM reform at last week’s Hill fly-in

NCPA May 1, 2023

NCPA Immediate Past President Michele Belcher and members met with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chairman of Senate Finance Committee. Pictured (L-R): Robert Coulter of Red Cross Pharmacy, La Grande, Ore.; Paige Clark of Prescryptive Health; Belcher; Wyden; and Sheila Zientara and Ken Zientara of BHS Pharmacy in Eugene, Ore. Last week’s NCPA Congressional Pharmacy Fly-In created a lot of momentum as we push ahead with PBM reform (and get ready for the DIR hangover in 2024). Hundreds of NCPA pharmacists, staff, and students participated in the two-day event, and many of them reported their Capitol Hill visits as the highlight. On April 27, NCPA Immediate Past President Michele Belcher and members met with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chairman of Senate Finance Committee. Pictured (L-R): Robert Coulter of Red Cross Pharmacy, La Grande, Ore.; Paige Clark of Prescryptive Health; Belcher; Wyden; and Sheila Zientara and Ken Zientara of BHS Pharmacy in Eugene, Ore. Photo: Ronna Hauser

NCPA CEO Douglas Hoey interviewed Federal Trade Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya NCPA CEO Douglas Hoey interviewed Federal Trade Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya before a packed ballroom on Thursday, April 27, about transparency, fairness, and competition amid the FTC’s ongoing investigation of PBMs. Bedoya spoke about the interest of the FTC in enforcing laws that were created to help rebalance the scales in the business community when power and influence collect in one sector, a situation community pharmacies face today with vertically integrated PBMs. “These scenarios are highly problematic not only from an antitrust perspective, but also from a health perspective,” Bedoya told Hoey, “[and] I want to see how the Federal Trade Commission can create a level playing field.” Photo: Erin Rexroth

TThis Alabama delegation included (L-R) Danny Cottrell of Cottrell’s Hometown Pharmacy in East Brewton; Samford University McWhorter School of Pharmacy students Anisha Jackson; Bill Eley, America Pharmacy Cooperative Inc.’s director of legislative affairs; and Samford student Destiny Rogershis year’s fly-in was the first since 2019 and, in addition to member participation, student representation was also strong on Capitol Hill. This Alabama delegation included (L-R) Danny Cottrell of Cottrell’s Hometown Pharmacy in East Brewton; Samford University McWhorter School of Pharmacy students Anisha Jackson; Bill Eley, America Pharmacy Cooperative Inc.’s director of legislative affairs; and Samford student Destiny Rogers. Photo: Erin Rexroth