Month of Action is sizzling across the states

NCPA August 10, 2022

Thrifty WhiteWe’re just over a week into our Month of Action and we’re excited about members of Congress and their staffs visiting NCPA members’ pharmacies. August is the month we’ve designated to turn up the heat on members of Congress and make them aware of issues important to your community pharmacy and your patients.

Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-Iowa) visited Thrifty White Pharmacy and pharmacist Chelsea Schott in Pocahontas, Iowa, on Monday. According to Schott, the congressman was very knowledgeable about pharmacy issues and brought up the Drug Price Transparency in Medicaid Act on his own. He seemed impressed with the store’s use of advanced certified techs to ease the workload of the pharmacists. “He was extremely knowledgeable on pharmacy and health care legislation, and whole-heartedly agreed and is currently backing our bills we’re trying to push forward as an industry.”

It’s not too late to invite a member of Congress to your pharmacy. Their August schedule is in flux right now, so they’re still making plans. If your member can’t come, perhaps a member of their staff can, and that’s a win too. They’ll come in, chat a bit about what you do, and they’ll leave with your name and business tucked away in their brain under “pharmacy” and “small business owner.” That personal interaction will pay future dividends.

If you’re not quite sure how to get the ball rolling, we’re here to help. Complete this form to get started. We’re hoping to log a record number of pharmacy visits in August, and we need your help to meet the goal.