You never can tell who might walk into your pharmacy. Last week, Bill Osborn looked up from the pharmacy counter in Miami, Okla., to see Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell coming through the door to say hello. Osborn, 2018-2019 NCPA president, said Pinnell was attending a tourism conference at Miami's Coleman Theatre Beautiful. “We were able to veer from the tourism topic and show him how we operate our pharmacy,” Osborn said, adding that he showed Pinnell the pharmacy’s Pioneer bar code workflow system, Script Pro 200 robotic dispensing system, and RxPak compliance package system. “We covered medication synchronization and how important it was to quality health care.”
Even though it wasn’t an “official” pharmacy visit, Osborn made work. “It was an honor to host the lieutenant governor,” he said. “Any chance you get to educate our political partners, it is well worth it.”