Six ways to help build COVID-19 vaccine confidence

NCPA April 23, 2021

Here are six tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help build COVID-19 vaccine confidence.

  1. Encourage leaders in your family, community, or organizations to be vaccine champions.

  2. Have discussions with your friends and family about vaccination to understand their perspective and encourage their decision to vaccinate.

  3. Share key messages through multiple channels that people trust and that promote action.

  4. Help educate people about COVID-19 vaccines, how they are developed and monitored for safety, and how individuals can talk to others about the vaccines.

  5. Learn more about finding credible vaccine information. When you come across COVID-19 information, cross-check with and learn how to respond to misinformation you encounter.

  6. When vaccine is offered to you, make visible your decision to get vaccinated and celebrate it!

Visit our website for links to toolkits with fact sheets, conversation starters, talking points, social media messages, posters and printable stickers from the CDC.