
Naloxone: Access, Training, and Administration

The National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations Naloxone Access in Community Pharmacies Resource

  • Provides a map of the United States showing which states have statewide protocols, standing orders, dispensing regulations, or no policy concerning naloxone

  • Provides additional naloxone resources

Naloxone Training Information

Numerous organizations are dedicated to educating, training, and providing naloxone to providers and patients. Here are some links to additional training and overdose information.

Videos to Educate on Overdoses, Naloxone Use, and Administration

Abby Rudolph, an Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Temple University College of Public Health, created 7 short videos for patients that educate on drug overdoses and how to administer the various formulations of naloxone.

The videos are available in both English and Spanish.

The following videos can be found on the homepage:

  • Overdose Signs and Symptoms

  • What to do if you think someone may be overdosing

  • How to administer rescue breathing during an overdose

  • How to administer Naloxone nasal spray

  • How to administer Naloxone (Luer Lock Nasal Spray)

  • How to Administer Naloxone (Evzio)

  • How to Administer Injectable Naloxone

Research on Naloxone Standing Orders