
Life-saving vaccines have a profound impact on the entire nation. Today, most everyone can receive immunizations against once common and potentially deadly infectious diseases in the US. However, many patients still "fall through the cracks" because providers fail to ask about things such as traveling plans, school health needs, or if they have received immunizations at high-risk environments.

As the emphasis on preventative care expands many states are expanding the role of the pharmacist as experts in immunization. Patient immunization at a community pharmacy is so popular nowadays that the number one patient care service offered by community pharmacy is immunizations highlighting the important role pharmacists play in public health. In fact, 88% of community pharmacies offer immunizations.

Maternal Health

Many people receiving prenatal care face significant barriers to accessing and receiving recommended vaccines. This is where community pharmacies like yours can make a difference. 

Click Here

Providing vaccination services should be a core competency of any community pharmacy. There are "no excuses" for why any pharmacy is not offering vaccines. This toolkit includes resources to help you tackle the toughest challenges from starting a brand new vaccine program to expanding services beyond flu to identifying how to maximize profits and public health. 

Click Here


CDC Vaccination Schedules

Pharmacist Authority to Prescribe and Administer Vaccines

"As margins continue to shrink due to decreased PBM reimbursements, vaccines are a good way to increase your business & profitability. It also helps add value to your patient base and can be a great tool to increase business in other areas as well as providing exposure to local physicians and businesses on other services that pharmacies can provide."
-Brandon Cooper, PharmD, Soo's Drug & Compounding Center and Co-owner of Soo's West End Pharmacy, Jonesboro Ark.

Documents/ Reporting Requirements


  • Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery
    • The program reviews issues that pharmacists must consider before starting an immunization program, and focuses on practice implementation.
  • CPR

  • State requirements for certification

  • Collaborative practice agreements (state specific)

Pharmacist Resources

Patient Resources

Supply Companies


Contact: Hannah Fish, Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives
[email protected]

 - NCPA Corporate Member 

"I understand that starting an immunization program can seem overwhelming and certainly be stepping out of your comfort zone. But once you make the commitment, it is so easy."
-Tana Kaefer, PharmD, Clinical Coordinator for Bremo Pharmacies, Richmond, Va.