Talk PBM reform with your members of Congress

NCPA September 27, 2024

There’s still time to turn up the heat in the fight to enact PBM reforms this year, and we’re asking for your help in our Months of Action campaign. If you complete our interest form, we’ll help you invite your members of Congress to visit your pharmacy during their October in-district work period.

They’ll come in, chat a bit about what your team does and the obstacles you face, and leave with a better understanding of how they can push for PBM reform back in D.C. by supporting legislation that would require fair and transparent reimbursement to pharmacies and define reasonable and relevant contract terms in Medicare.

Help us finish the fight by showing Congress the role of community pharmacies and the abuses of PBMs firsthand. If you have any questions or want to take advantage of our free campaign resources, check out our website or email Michael Rule at [email protected].