Arkansas takes emergency action on fair pharmacy reimbursement

NCPA September 27, 2024

The Arkansas Legislative Council Executive Subcommittee approved Emergency Rule 128 with an effective date of Friday, Sept. 20. The rule requires PBMs to reimburse pharmacies at “fair and reasonable rates” approved by the Department of Insurance.

The rule was proposed after the insurance commissioner determined that a public emergency required changes to pharmacy reimbursement standards to ensure “reasonably sustainable network adequacy for pharmacy services” in the state.

Please recall that Arkansas law requires using NADAC for product reimbursement but does not address a professional dispensing fee, resulting in negligible reimbursement.

Per the emergency rule, the commissioner is now authorized to review and either approve or deny cost to dispense calculations. To implement, the commissioner is required to issue a bulletin with procedures, timing, and other needed information. NCPA was pleased to support the Arkansas Pharmacists Association’s leadership on this issue. Read more about Emergency Rule 128 here.